Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beer - Boobs & Tattoos

BFF Boob Tattoos
Women like their boobs tattooed; one boob, two boobs...BFF matching boob tattoos.   I have witnessed this first hand.  It appears temporary tattoos inspire even the most conservative women to take a walk on the wild side.  Well, it's possible the beer helped a little too.

Barley's Angels Utah attended it's first beer festival last month.  We showed up with Amber's Wicked Ale, home brew educational display, and air brush tattoo in tow.   No one asked about the home brew display,  two people asked about the beer,  but we were slammed with requests for temporary tattoos.

Why boobs?  Why not boobs?  Boobs are a big deal in these parts.  Here is an interesting statistic....  Utah is one of the highest per capita fake boob states rivaling California and Florida.   Park City is Utah's Sin City and Salt Lake proper now has more sinners than saints, but the rest of the state is predominately LDS (Mormons like to be called LDS).  I used to do some work in Utah county, the heart of  the church.  The dress code was stifling.  I've new sympathy for the women living in Iran .  In California where I came from, in 100 degree summers, even grandmas wear sleeveless blouses and it's not big deal.  Not so, in Provo.   It's considered indecent to show your shoulders.  It's common to see women wearing sundresses with shirts underneath the dress.  It's because of the "magic underwear" as the sinners call the LDS "garments" that the saints wear to protect them against harm.  The dress code is extensive, but it's not against code to buy big boobs. 

All in fun and games.  I don't know why boobs, but boob tattoo requests we get.  It appears beer, boobs and tattoos somehow go together.  The guys came to the next festival to help us set up.  How generous of them to offer their help with boob tattoos!  I don't want to leave you with the thought the women were disrobing for a full breast decorative session, but some women are not shy about bearing a bit of their prized pearls.  One rather well endowed woman came up to the booth with a request for a boob tattoo.  She sat down then asked if she could pick out the tattoo artist.  The girls told her "sure".  The woman said, "I want him"! and pointed to Allan, Amber's boyfriend.

So, in the spirit of boob tattoos I leave with a couple of drafts you can take to your tattoo artist.    Though, it could be turned into a hop bikini top or tank top.



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