Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beer - Boobs & Tattoos

BFF Boob Tattoos
Women like their boobs tattooed; one boob, two boobs...BFF matching boob tattoos.   I have witnessed this first hand.  It appears temporary tattoos inspire even the most conservative women to take a walk on the wild side.  Well, it's possible the beer helped a little too.

Barley's Angels Utah attended it's first beer festival last month.  We showed up with Amber's Wicked Ale, home brew educational display, and air brush tattoo in tow.   No one asked about the home brew display,  two people asked about the beer,  but we were slammed with requests for temporary tattoos.

Why boobs?  Why not boobs?  Boobs are a big deal in these parts.  Here is an interesting statistic....  Utah is one of the highest per capita fake boob states rivaling California and Florida.   Park City is Utah's Sin City and Salt Lake proper now has more sinners than saints, but the rest of the state is predominately LDS (Mormons like to be called LDS).  I used to do some work in Utah county, the heart of  the church.  The dress code was stifling.  I've new sympathy for the women living in Iran .  In California where I came from, in 100 degree summers, even grandmas wear sleeveless blouses and it's not big deal.  Not so, in Provo.   It's considered indecent to show your shoulders.  It's common to see women wearing sundresses with shirts underneath the dress.  It's because of the "magic underwear" as the sinners call the LDS "garments" that the saints wear to protect them against harm.  The dress code is extensive, but it's not against code to buy big boobs. 

All in fun and games.  I don't know why boobs, but boob tattoo requests we get.  It appears beer, boobs and tattoos somehow go together.  The guys came to the next festival to help us set up.  How generous of them to offer their help with boob tattoos!  I don't want to leave you with the thought the women were disrobing for a full breast decorative session, but some women are not shy about bearing a bit of their prized pearls.  One rather well endowed woman came up to the booth with a request for a boob tattoo.  She sat down then asked if she could pick out the tattoo artist.  The girls told her "sure".  The woman said, "I want him"! and pointed to Allan, Amber's boyfriend.

So, in the spirit of boob tattoos I leave with a couple of drafts you can take to your tattoo artist.    Though, it could be turned into a hop bikini top or tank top.



Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Amber Drops Her Drawers

Henna Hops is gone! Well, the original at least.  Gone as the wild and crazy Beer festival we just went to in Evanston, WY, this past weekend.  I must admit, I'll miss the smiling faces, great beer, and the zealous shoppers.  Yes, the zealous shoppers!    Someone bought the 1 sample dry fit shirt I had made for my husband right off his sweaty back.  No,it was not for sale!

Shirt bought off his sweaty back
Amber dropped her drawers.  Barley's Angels' "bottom's Up shorts were a hit".   After selling out of size Large, a woman had to have a pair in her size that day.  She was on her way out of town and wanted to have them on vacation.  There was no ordering on the website for her, so she took Amber's size large right off her butt and asked her to squeeze into a small. 

In any case, I gave the painting away in a drawing for Shades of Pale/Barley's Angels and the perfect person won.  She'd been by the Shades of Pale tent for beer and came back for a shirt.  Later she came by the Barley's Angels booth for information and a spray tattoo.  Enjoy!

hops art

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tattoos & Hops

What do Tattoos and beer have in common? “Henna Hops” is the first of a series of paintings that explore these subjects which have fascinated millions.

Mountain Brewer’s Festival, the largest Beer festival in the Mountain West, attracting over 100 breweries and over 8,000 attendees was my first foray into tattoo art. The gals in our Barley’s Angels chapter, festival neophytes, were excited to attend their first major beer event. Barley’s Angels is an international lady’s organization. We hold educational socials to educate women about craft beer and hence bring more women into the beer drinking sisterhood. Filled with anticipation, we showed up, home brew and airbrush in tow. With so much great beer in one location, Amber’s Wicked Ale, did not get much attention, but our airbrush tattoos were a hit. We sprayed, branded, and delighted the masses.

Tattoos are most definitely en-vogue. To try to explain why, seems an impossible task. Why do humans do what they do and love what they love? While I am sure there must be some study that attempts to explain human behavior, when it comes to tattoos, the bottom line is that an awful lot of humans now sport one. I recently read a statistic that 25% of the population has a tattoo and the more I look around the more convinced I become, it’s got to be higher than that.
Having experienced a measure of success with our tattoo spray gun, the angels suggested I look into henna. A quick look was all it took to fall in love with it. My eyes were opened to a new world made up of beautiful lines, shapes, and squiggles.

A blending of two passions.

Beer is already the most popular drink in the world. It’s a recent passion and since it’s also my business, it touches almost every facet of my life. Since I also live and breathe art, it only made sense to begin to blend them both. The result is “Henna Hops”, the first in a line of beer inspired paintings with roots in tattoo art. I look forward to continuing to explore and develop this magical blend and sharing the wonders I discover.


hops paintings

Beer Couture

Who said beer inspired products had to be cheesy, sleazy and cheapo?  Out with macro brand chatzkys and in with Craft!

Ideas about designer beer inspired products have been flying around my head for a couple of years.   Beer is the priority, so we've been funneling all our resources towards stainless steel.  You can imagine just how big my eyes got when I ran into zazzle?   I'm in complete fascination and wasted no time in opening my very own online "Brewery Boutique".  What is one to do at 3:56 a.m. when one can't sleep? Design a new product! This mini messenger bag was inspired by my painting "Hop Medley".  I've been fixated on painting hops for some time.  Part of the reason is because hops are so symbolic of beer.  It's been difficult to find hop images I love and even harder to create them.  This particular piece was the result of my playing around with henna design.  I incorporated curves and swirls to the cones and leaves.

While most of my free time is currently consumed with learning web design and building out the Shades of Pale website, I'm sure I'll come back to zazzle to build out a designer beer collection.  Could this be a new genera of products?  I suppose we could consider it Beer Couture!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hop Obsession Part I

I must admit that as of late I have become obsessed with painting hops. This strikes me as rather strange since I don't particularly like hoppy beers. Hops are not particularly beautiful to look at and most difficult to paint. The fascination really is with beer. Since hops are an ingredient that is almost solely used in beer making, it's symbolic of this most revered drink.

My painting obsession began not too long after I took over graphic design for the brewery. My husband and I started Shades of Pale Brewing in Park City, Utah. Though it may sound like a grand endeavor, it was actually a nano operation started on a shoestring budget. We both had day jobs and worked on the business week ends and evenings. In those early days I affectionately called myself the CSM, Chief Scrub Master. I suppose I could have given myself a glorious title, but the truth of it is that there was an awful lot of cleaning involved. The hop addition was a particularly a messy affair.

We began recipe development on a Sabco System. For those of you not yet indoctrinated into the world of brewing, a Sabco is a glorified brew at home set up. Picture 3 fifteen gallon metal buckets that sit side by side over gas burners. The whole system sits on a metal frame and reminds me of a gas grill with big pots on top of the grill.

Hops are typically added to the boil, or as a hop addition at fermentation. The brewing process vaguely resembles making tea. Grains, just like tea, are steeped in water. The result is sugar water which is boiled for a certain amount of time, flash cooled, and moved to fermenters where yeast converts those sugars into alcohol. Hops, a bitter flower, are added to the beer to balance the sweetness of the malts and provide aromas that tantalize the palate.

Continued on: Hop Obsession Part II.

Alexandra's Print on Fine Art Amerca
Shades of Pale Brewing
Barley's Angels Utah